Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital
The units will be priced to compete, but if you are looking for a Mercedes for the cost of a Chrysler then sadly.....
I like this analogy. Especially when you consider that the two brands in question come from the same parent company and share many of the basic engineering and even parts. No question that the merc will get you to work in more comfort than the Chrysler but getting to work is the important bit.
Frankly your message is kind of all over the place here but this product looks interesting. My question is, what do you feel the value proposition for this fixture is?
Is it primarily a better build quality? Something that will last and is better put together than say a Tek light? This is IMO a perfectly valid proposition and it obviously works for Mercedes.
Or is it a case where the combination of the ballast, cooling and reflectors result in better output or perhaps bulb life? If so, is this difference dramatic or more in the 5% kind of range ?