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Old 11-15-2008, 11:53 PM
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Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap View Post
Fortunately over the past few years I have seen prices come down on lots of different reefing equipment - skimmers, reactors, lighting etc. I think there is a demand curve where over $1000.00 for a 48" fixture and 90% of the market isn't interested. I am hoping these will be priced in the Lexus/Acura range rather than the Mercedes price range.
I agree with this sentiment. And given the current state of world economies it would be foolish to release a light that costs more than or equal to ATI's PowerModule. To be the new guy on the block trying to compete with the favorable reviews of the long-standing PowerModule after having left a sour taste in consumers' mouths with the Ultra Solaris would make for a tough sell.

But I assume Fauna Marin has done the market research and realizes this.
SPS Dedicated 24x24x20 Trimless Tank | 20 g Sump | Bubbble King Mini 160 Protein Skimmer w/ Avast Swabbie | NP Biopellets in TLF Phosban Reactor | ATI Sunpower 6 x 24W T5HO Fixture | EcoTech Vortech MP20 | Modified Tunze Nanostream 6025 | Eheim 1260 Return Pump | GHL Profilux Standalone Doser dosing B-Ionic | Steel Frame Epoxy Coated Stand with Maple Panels embedded with Neodymium Magnets

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