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Old 11-15-2008, 04:30 AM
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Marlin65 Marlin65 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: New Westminster
Posts: 1,024
Marlin65 is on a distinguished road

I just started to add plant fuel made by Florida Aqua Farms. They make a plant only and one that you add if you have fish.
My Cheeto does nothing in my refugium it's only grown about an inch bigger in the last six months.
I have noticed improvement on my macro algae with this stuff though but it has only been about a week since I started adding it.
The stuff that you add if you have fish has no NO3 or PO4 only trace elements.
150 Gal system 3'x3' 400W M/H, Bekett skimmer, Dart return,1/4 HP Chiller
180 Gal Drop tank, LED lights, Bubble master 250 skimmer,Hammerhead on a closed loop, Speed wave return.
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