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Old 11-15-2008, 04:09 AM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Prince Rupert B.C.
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trilinearmipmap is on a distinguished road
Default Is anyone supplementing iron or any other ferts for their refugium macroalgae?

I'm thinking of supplementing iron to help my chaeto grow, not sure which type of iron to get, wondering what anyone else is doing. Also is anyone supplementing anything else for their macroalgae?
120 gallon sps/anemones/LPS reef since 2004
Apex controller
8 x 54 watt T5 PowerModule
Herbie's silent overflow system
Jebao DC 12000 return pump
Jecod CP-40 Cross-flow circulation device
Mini Bubble King 180
Barr Aquatics calcium reactor
Bucket fuge
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