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Old 11-14-2008, 04:16 AM
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dustin dustin is offline
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Default Drilling a Via Aqua


I've decided to set up a nano tank using some equipment I've had lying around for a while. I have an 11 gallon via aqua tank (similar to the one below) and a never used Rena XP2 canister filter. I want to keep the tank looking clean so I think I'll drill it. The intake and returns will be plumbed directly to the canister filter (no sump).

Does anyone foresee any problems with the following set ups with regards to intake/return placement? Can the canister filter handle having the intake below the water line (added water pressure)?

Option 1:

Blue = intake, Black = return

Option 2:

Left and right holes for returns, middle is intake. This would allow for surface skimming (if necessary). Return split into 2 could let me use a SCWD to create more turbulent flow.

Option 3:

Lowering the intake would allow me to hide it behind rockwork if surface skimming is not necessary.

Any thoughts or any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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