Thread: New Fish
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Old 11-13-2008, 08:45 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Since we're on the subject I'm more into the coral, fish are just there for some movement and they require too much attention with the feeding and.. well just the feeding but that can still be a chore. The way I see it a fish is a fish, for the most part easily replaceable and a dime a dozen, not really a collectors item. Coral can sometimes be one in a million and is definitely more of a collectors item. Yes they do have rare fish that are hard to get but for the most part you can always get them and they will always be the same.

I would definitely go with coral over fish. In the future I would really like to have a coral tank with only self sustaining fish and coral. You know a couple mandarins, pair of tilefish, nothing special
Sounds like it would be a nice tank!

I guess it depends on how you look at it...I don't see the hobby as collecting items like you would hockey cards or stamps. To me these are pets and when it comes to my puffers, more like family Not replaceable at all. I lost my dogface to jumping a few months back and did get another but its just not the same at all. Personality of the two fish is quite different. I have lost tangs and "replaced" them though and barely knew the difference.

Actually I guess I kind of see things completely opposite of you Corals are easily replaceable to me!
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