Thread: New Fish
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Old 11-13-2008, 04:22 PM
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Marlin65 Marlin65 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Does naesco actually own a tank or does he just tell people what fish they should not keep. Don't want to start a war just wondering as I would like to see some of his tanks if he has any.

Some stats on what we are all part of just to put this file fish in perspective.
This hobby is not environmentally friendly but if it was not for us there would not be the captive breeding and aquaculture that we have today and hopefully at some point we will be able to sustain this industry.
150 Gal system 3'x3' 400W M/H, Bekett skimmer, Dart return,1/4 HP Chiller
180 Gal Drop tank, LED lights, Bubble master 250 skimmer,Hammerhead on a closed loop, Speed wave return.
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