So am I still cruel? Or are we all over that? I'm a little confused with all this talk about scientists and biologists
I think the fish is still adjusting, it seems to stick to one area of the tank and doesn't venture very far, when it first went in it took a few bits from some SPS but I haven't noticed anything since. Not sure how often this guy needs to eat but so far no noticeable damage, it's far too early for that. My one hope is that the fish is not species specific and will only eat polyps from one type of SPS, if it is not I have no concerns.
I will post some macro pictures of some of the corals I find him eating the most, this should allow for some good before and after analysis.
I don't think I will be switching my lighting, I've gone through a lot to get it where I like it, there are 6 39W T5s with reflectors and 2 250W DE halides. I can increase growth and coral vitality with zeovit additives and maintaining high calcium and alkalinity.
I would like to change my setup a little and make room for a larger frag tank and a dosing system which is in my future plans but I can't do it right now. I like the fish but I'm not going to go too far out of my way, if that makes me a bad person so be it, but I'm not any worse than the rest of you.