Thread: New Fish
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Old 11-13-2008, 06:13 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
Interesting ethical discussion.

Some non reefers are critical of reefers who keep fish and coral in glass boxes.
But reefers all agree that we than have an obligation to provide the optimum conditions for the fish and coral in our care. Nothing less is acceptable. Most reefers resist the urge to buy that colourful purple nudi or whatever because experts have already told us the survival liklihood. To attempt to justify such purchase for the purpose of improving the hobby IMO is nothing more than an attempt to justify a wrong purchase. The fact is that the advances that have been made in fish and coral care are not made by us on this or any other board. The advances in care are being made by scientists and fish and coral experts.

Justin, in fairness, I chose not to reply to his repost.

Sphelps, your tank is beautiful and your photography outstanding, but I would like to know what is happening now as you have had the fish for a few days.
Is he eating? SPS? Significant damage? Is he eating any other food?
How are your SPS reacting?
Would appreciate an update when you can. tks
Wayne Ryan
No one is justifying the wrong purpose. The wrong purchase would have been me if say I bought this fish and put him in my soft coral dominated tank. I actually do have one acro though, so maybe it would have been fine? THAT would be justifying a bad purchase.

Are you actually serious about advances in the hobby being made by scientists? There are relatively few biologists doing anything for this hobby unless its to make a profit. Most marine biologists are not working in the commercial aquarium hobby. Many of the advancements in this hobby have come straight from reefers. These boards are proof of it everyday.

Not to mention, a majority of retailers/manufacturers are on these forums and many, many of the advancements in equipment have come from OUR advice/needs/observations, ect...all from these kind of boards.
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