I have a six line and i have a sneaking suspision he is eating the eggs out of the zoa which is a good thing, ive been picking off the adults with tweezers lately. Just a little disheartning because i hear these outbreaks can get really out of hand, why is it that only the bad critters reprodices easily in an aquarium...

"120 Gallon - Fastest Build in the West"
20Gal Sump, 2x 250 PFO Metal Hallides running 2 20k XM Bulbs, 2X54 HOT5 1 KZ Coral Light 1 Fiji Purple, Euroreef RS 100 Skimmer, Quiet One 6000 Return Pump, 2X Tunze 6025, Nano Wavebox
~To Live Is To Reef~