Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer
I can't believe anyone thinks this is cruel...jeez.
People get sooooo hypocritical in this very, very selfish hobby. Every single person on this board is selfishly keeping creatures, some of which are in rapid decline worldwide, in small glass boxes for their personal pleasure. Give me a break. The wasted energy and water in this hobby is embarrassing at the best of times and your worried about a single fish being kept in a tank set up specifically for it?
He has grown several colonies of sps for this fish to eat. He has a great tank size relative to the fish and is obviously dedicated to giving this fish a great chance.
Half the people here keep tangs in 65 or 75G tanks and this is a problem?
I think its great what you are doing sphelps and this is exactly why the hobby has come so far and we have the knowledge to keep some delicate species.
Thank you, I was going to post almost the same points. It's laughable how some people judge who is cruel and who isn't while they sit at home looking into their own box full of life taken from the wild. Get over it, we're all puting animals into a small home for our own pleasure. Do you honestly think you're better than the next guy because your tang is in a 6' tank and his/hers is in a 5' tank? How many fish die to get one that will survive in captivity? I'm guessing with some species, you wouldn't want to know.