Our Sri Lanka has arrived!
We spent most of the afternoon and evening getting everything unpacked and into our tanks. We are just going through all the photo's we took while acclimating and will upload them shortly. Here are is a list of some of the livestock we received....
Clown Tangs
*All Sold*
Powder Blue Tangs - 1 left
Picasso Triggers - 2 left
Prawn Goby - 2 left
Hippo Tangs - 2 Small, 1 Med/lrg
Exquisite Wrasse - 1 left
Blue Ring Angel
*HUGE* - 1 Instock
Scopa Tang - 2 In Stock
Filament Wrasse - 1 Left
Squamipinnis Anthias *Male & Female*
Dwarf Lionfish - 1 left
We also received our Seahorses today!!
Yellow Leopard Sea Horses - Only 2 left
Brilliant Orange Sea Horses - Only 3 left
Brilliant Yellow Seahorses - Only 2 left
Black Seahorses - 3 Left
And some Carpet Anemones...
Blue and bright Greens. Only 1 left
We will post pics shortly

Thanks for looking
Hippocampus Reidi - Brilliant Orange Seahorse
Hippocampus Reidi - Brilliant Yellow Seahorse
Dwarf Lionfish -
Powder Blue Tang (med)
Porcelain Anemone Crab
Green Carpet Anemone's
Pseudanthias squamipinnis - Female

Picasso Trigger
Aquatic Addictions