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Old 11-11-2008, 07:27 PM
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Now I have to go rent that movie, LOL! I have a few snails in there and a hermit crab. Have not seen them since I put them in there. There are a few soft corals in there now, but the seven foot wide tank just eats everything up. I wonder how long it will take to stock the thing, but that's the whole fun ofit, aside of the cash you have to drop. I still have not gotten used to it. We're putting the stuff in so the coraline algae grows and the pod popuation blossems. I already can't wait for the sump and refugium to be done in the basement so I can have my Mantis shrimp I have been dying for. The 55g tank that the fish are in now will be the refugum in the very near future.

Next up is the wave maker thing to mimick the ocean, protein skimmr and big huge pump for the system. I am still on the fence about upgrading the lights but the MH do add that special shimmer. Oh and more live rock, I hate buying that stuff, prime cuts of meat cost less then rock, imagine that...

Last edited by my2rotties; 11-11-2008 at 07:53 PM. Reason: I'm a dummy
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