Unfortunately "healthy" and "eating" do not always go hand in hand. Although a good sign it does not ultimately ensure success. Many idols eat well for a time and then slowly decline and perish. I'm not in a position to tell anyone what to do I'm only offering friendly advice. To those that are taking the side of "well, other fish die in our tanks too" I believe that to be silly(sorry if I offend anyone). Like I stated earlier most fish that die in our tanks is not because they are a delicate species or difficult to keep. They die because of inexperienced aquarists(which we all were at some point) or simply accidents. In the last few years I have not had any fish deaths due to so called unexplained circumstances. I have lost a couple to disease which I tried and failed to treat which happens to us all. I don't know about any of you but the fish I have would be very hard to kill even if I neglected them for a long period simply because my husbandry skills have improved greatly over the years. Try that with a moorish and see what happens.
Hi, my name is Jason and I\'m addicted to reefs