We have 2 dog's they are both mixes. One is very sweet his name is Zipper. And we have a little furry thing too her name is Sienna they are great company. But a dog is a huge commitment. Potty training on the little dog took a year. And it was very frustrating. They train you. She happens to be a year and 3 months now, home free
finally. Do Not count on children to take on the responsibilty It is a lot of work but I personally feel its worth it. You get what you put into it I say. I think there is a lot to
finding a dog from a shelter hopefully house-broken. But if your like me you have to learn the hard way. Puppies are very cute until you live with one the novelty runs out dang quick. And I consider myself an avid pet lover. All I can say you don't know till you have one. Oh and that goes for kids too. LOL
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