Thread: LF Moorish Idol
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Old 11-10-2008, 03:06 PM
Edmonton Eskimo Edmonton Eskimo is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Edmonton Eskimo is on a distinguished road

how long did you have it for? Did you sell it or did it perish? I really have a sore spot for the capture of these fish from the ocean to only meet certain doom in our aquaria. I am not saying they are impossible to keep as some experienced reefers have kept them but the death rate is well over 80 percent in captivity. To me that is our human arrogance thinking we own this planet and we can take what we want. And keeping one for a year or two is not success. To have success is to have it live for or very close to it's natural lifespan. I urge everyone reading this to please not purchase moorish idols. You may be able to keep one for a while but by us buying them that means the lfs will keep bringing them in to ultimately meet there death. They are beautiful fish so let's leave them where they belong.
Hi, my name is Jason and I\'m addicted to reefs
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