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Old 11-08-2008, 05:26 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Calgary
Posts: 135
vertex is on a distinguished road

Thanks tang daddy,

You can make them yourself just by taking two pictures with your camera, about 1 or 2 inches apart. So just snap one, then move the cover to the right an inch for the other eye and snap another picture. Just make sure you have the same view and no fish in the way.

Then you paste the two images together, the left camera picture on the right, and the right camera picture on the left. When you cross your eyes, they pop out as 3D!!
-Mike (Tank Info / Links / Pics shown below)
120G Reef with 2x250W MH lighting
My old 33G Reef with 192W PC lighting
Live Rock -
These tanks have some purchased liverock, but mostly home made live rock
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