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Old 11-08-2008, 02:06 AM
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Telford Telford is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Kelowna, B.C.
Posts: 95
Telford is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by JDigital View Post
That's a cool looking tank.... What are the stocking "rules" for a cylander... You can put a tang in a 90-100G tank (4-5 foot).. but I'm guessing that "rule" kinda goes out the window with a cylinder eh?

Look forward to this tank!
I have a 80g cylinder tank. The dimensions on mine are 28" diameter and 28" tall. I have tangs in mine. In a way it might be better than a standard tank because they can swim around and around in circles and never have to turn around!!

Removing algae from the glass is a bit of a pain in the *ss. You have to keep up with it. If you get lazy and leave it a few days+ then you're in there up to your armpit with a scrubber.

80g Cylinder Reef tank established Nov/07
2 black clowns, Rose BTA, Fox Face, 2 scooter blennies, Yellow tang, cleaner shrimp, sand sifting star, blue regal tang
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