Thread: water changes?
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Old 11-06-2008, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
And, if you remove a bit, add a bit, remove a bit, etc, you're removing some of the new water you just added. Counter-productive in my mind. Remove the full amount you're changing, THEN add the new stuff.
Hmm, I currently don't have a sump & never thought about this little quirk. I generally do fairly large water changes less frequently in my 75 so a lot of gunk and old water gets siphoned out before I add the fresh water manually. This isn't too much of a hassle since I don't have a hood over the DT making it easy to access.

Something to consider when I set up my 90 with basement sump.... make sure I use a large sump/refugium if the plan is to continue with large water changes. Otherwise I'll need to change to smaller more frequent water changes.... or turn the return pump off and continue with the manual changes in the DT on the new system. That will take considerably more effort since I'm planning the new set up in a room dividing configuration with full hood. Good thing I have a spare 65 kicking around, that should make a dandy sump with plenty of extra capacity. Once the 75 is empty, I might even plumb that into the system too...
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