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Old 11-06-2008, 12:29 AM
reefsurf reefsurf is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Vancovuer, BC
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reefsurf is on a distinguished road
Default Clown (ocellaris) needs to give away free - Vancouver

The fish is about 1.2 inches. It lived with a group of other clowns for about 6 months, peacefully. About 2 weeks ago, it was chased after by the male leader of the group. I isolated it for a week and released it into the tank. There was then a fierce fight with the leader again and was defeated. It hides in day time and go out only in dark. I can not feed it. I guess it is better to give it away if anyone is kind enough to keep it. The fish is still health, just a little paler than usual.

PM me.
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