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Old 11-03-2008, 01:55 AM
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acanthastrea freak
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Location: Virden, Manitoba
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Well i have a few pictures of the HUGE IED that i drove over 7 yellow jugs filled with HME (home made explosive) each jugs had 20 lbs of HME in there , they caught the guy heading to the site where he was going to explode the IED from. it was a CWIED (COMMAND WIRE IMPROVISE EXPLOSIVE) it was in a culvert with the wire running out 500 meters from the road using 2 poles as aiming marker's. after i found that out i was pretty freaked out so MAY 13th at 09:00hrs is a day to remember where i almost was a goner.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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