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Old 11-03-2008, 12:25 AM
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Skimmerking Skimmerking is offline
acanthastrea freak
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Virden, Manitoba
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Skimmerking is on a distinguished road
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OK here is the day that i was leaving Mar 1st /08 its was a very sad day my last tour was in 2000 and this being my 6th tour overseas. Noah my son was not born yet. My daughter was 3-1/2 along with Tammy being 4 months Pregnant with Noah in there.
here we are at 04:45 am showing up for a timing.

this is us being goofy trying not to think about me leaving

mins before leaving

this is me in KAF 42 hours later with 2 hours sleep

my room that i saw for a total of 10 days in the 7 month tour that i had, i slept on the ground or a cot

Me and my buds 2 weeks there in one of the places that I can't name its his Birthday so i gave him a semi hug.

here are some landscaping pictures

this is a huge house made out of concrete

180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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