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Old 10-31-2008, 04:36 AM
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fishoholic fishoholic is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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You have a lot more patience then I. I'm amazed you waited almost a month before calling someone to tow the car. I had a car park overnight once in my stall in the condo I used to live in. I checked to see if it was still there in the morning and when I saw it was I called and had it towed right away.

Since I have lived in my house I have had the neighbors (on many occasions) just slightly block my driveway. Which is annoying but I can still easily get out so I've never made an issue of it.

There was only one time when the neighbor had a friend visiting and he parked right in front of our driveway completely blocking it. I felt compelled to knock on their door and yell at his friend but since I didn't need to go anywhere I thought I'd wait and see how long he was going to stay parked there. About 20 min.'s later my neighbor came out and saw where his friend was parked and told him to move his car, which thankfully he did. If he had of been there in the morning I would of called a tow truck.

I hope things go better for you and your neighbor but if it doesn't, I say take Drew up on his offer
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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