Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef
Well, it doesn't have anything to do with the photo contest, except for the parallel it creates.
True which is why I made another one... that seemed to be just as valid
Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef
Contests have rules and deadlines, and I guess that's the point.
Also true... but being the first contest it seems like some of these rules and deadlines are getting kinks sorted out which is why I thought I would check if the deadline to enter was possible another "kink" that might need changing if requested??
Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef
I don't really care either way
Obviously you do
Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef
I think the fun of the contest has already been compromised to a certain degree, and I'd hate to see yet ANOTHER topic of debate, disagreement, panties-in-a-bunch-edness.
The contest does look fun which is why I want to enter... and being the first go around I thought some people might understand others being hesitant to enter at first... and possible change the entry date once we had a clear idea of how things would go.
And I do like that amidst all the confusion / debate things seem to be working out, becoming more organized, and people are having fun. The contest is something that looks like it will be very good for everyone on the site... and I guess I was just hoping to get a piece now that I can clearly see that.
My panties are very unbunched
Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef
So when DO we draw the line? Can anyone enter at any time? Simply because they bring an entry fee and are at a disadvantage?
I guess that is exactly what I was asking... and trying to figure out... if the answer is no then like I already said no it's big deal and I guess I'll miss out, but if yes good

... and next time we know we have a early entry fee of $20 and a late entry fee of ___