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Old 10-29-2008, 11:47 PM
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Hairytank Hairytank is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 114
Hairytank is on a distinguished road
Exclamation Monti Eating

Arggg, one of my Montis suddenly had a bleached upon inspection, I found what I believe to be monti eating is the best photo I could get of one of the slightly mangled (removal was not a gentle) beasts..

All of the monti caps appear to have nudis on them at this point... but not exhibiting signs of colour loss/death. The adults were pulled/scaped off. There were none on the digitata or encrusting superman.

Have read about possible remidies such as: RO FW dips, iodine dips, tropic marin pro coral dip, Praziquantel (Prazipro by Hikari), poly ox, peroxide...
Anyone have experience with any/all of the above? Is there a natural preditor?
Concept Custom 50gal 24x24x20, herbie overflow, Radion g2, 20 gal sump, Bubble Magus NAC 7, MP10 WES, Speedwave 1320 return.
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