You should be able to get neoprene foam cheap at a Home depot or something. Failing that, go to a camping supplies store. The cheap neoprene foam mats people use under sleeping bags is what I use. Same thing as what should be available at home depot but precut for sleeping bags, so that would be near useless for big tanks.
Originally Posted by Pier Pressure
Please be advised that if you buy a new matching stand and tank and then put anything between the stand and tank you may very well be voiding your warranty. We had a 150 gallon blow out its bottom silicone seams twice (about eleven months apart). The first time we accepted a replacement, the second time I insisted on getting my money back. The company went for this but only because I did not have anything between the tank and stand. They told me flat out that would void the warranty. Just FYI.
very good point. I think it's stupid as what-have-you, but do take this into consideration.