Do you have nassarius snails? If your clams aren't firmly attached to a piece of rock a hungry snail can eat a foot in a single night. Since they are burrowing snails they don't even have to come up out of the sand bed for a feast. This will happen if your snails aren't well fed. Little bits and pieces aren't enough. Give them a hunk of shrimp or fish once a week to keep them satisfied and away from your clams.
Found this on reef central wondering if this could be my problem I have lots of these in the tank they came from and have not been feeding them much lately.
150 Gal system 3'x3' 400W M/H, Bekett skimmer, Dart return,1/4 HP Chiller
180 Gal Drop tank, LED lights, Bubble master 250 skimmer,Hammerhead on a closed loop, Speed wave return.