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Old 10-27-2008, 08:57 PM
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bullit67 bullit67 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Mission B.C.
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bullit67 is on a distinguished road

The only thing I would caution is make sure you install it in a place where you can see the pump and service it I have 2 reeflo dart one for a closed loop one for my main return on both of them the seals have failed with in the first year in service. The one pump I had to replace as the shaft was so badly corroded I could not reseal it. Dont get me wrong I love these pumps lots of GPH for the buck and they run nice and quiet. I am hopping the Reeflo Gold has the seal problem resolved. It must have something to do with the salt water as I have a Sequence pump on my Koi pond and it has been running for 3 plus years with out a leak.
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