If you compare the Orca 250 to the BK 250 which only uses one pump at 40W compared to the dart which I'm sorry will use more than 120W, it's a dart pump which is running at about 3 feet of head, check the pump flow charts. Mixing air in with the water will actually decrease the fluid density which means if anything the pump will spin faster and use more power. I would bet that pump runs at 150W. Either way that's three or more times the power. You also have to realize the orca started from people building ridiculously large skimmers and making a DIY needle wheel dart to run them, reeflo obviously saw a potential market and jumped on it, they haven't been building skimmers for very long and somehow drought they'll be doing it for much longer. Experience pays.
Also just the noise factor is enough to turn me off, I run dart pumps and I do like them as they are decently quiet but not even close to the red dragon. After all the dart is just a hot tub pump with different seals, plus when air get in the dart it's load, so I'm not sure how noisy that pump will be but I don't think it will be quiet not by my standards anyway.
I get the external thing but it's really not that difficult to build an external tank for the skimmer to sit in at least that way you don't have to worry about skimmer overflow. Also the BKs have super heavy lids to prevent this.
And I'm aware of the keyholes, and you'll eventually have to use pliers to loosen and tighten them to remove the collection cup. They will also eventually start sticking and even break off. You'll get tied of that real quick, especially with at least 10 of them. This is old technology, that's all I'm saying. No good quality skimmer uses these, it's an easy DIY method, that's it.
I don't own an orca for obvious reasons, I own a BK 250. I've been around for while to know what is good and what is bad, basically I don't need to eat crap to know what it tastes like.
In the end I'm just trying to help, I can see you mind is already made up and nothing will change it, most likely due to the fact you've already paid for the skimmer and yes it's a lot of money. I wouldn't admit it wasn't a good choice either.
Cheers, I hope it works out for you.
Last edited by sphelps; 10-27-2008 at 05:33 PM.