10-23-2008, 08:35 AM
Saltwater Aquarium FOR SALE $1000
custom 90gal saltwater aquarium (located in Richmond B.C)
-1/2 inch tempered glass
-steel stand with custom cabinet
-steel caps on top and bottom
-built-in ovreflow
-built in returns
-live sand (sorry, not selling live rock)
Cabinet is made out of steel, aluminium and plexi-glass. It has a door from top to bottom on the right hand side. Cabinet needs doors on the bottom front.
Cabinet & Tank stand 6 1/2ft from top to bottom. Cabinet is silver, black and white.
If you want the PC floresent dual 36" 96 watt lights, 250watt metal halide and blue LED moon light(all in canopy)/sump/pump. I also have a Coralife skimmer.
I am asking $1000 for the tank and cabinet alone
I will sell the tank,cabinet and all the
extra goodies as a package for $1200.00 OBO
email: cool_stuff111@hotmail.com
serious buyers only