OK i have decided that I'm not going to have time to build my dream skimmer and I'm going to resort to just buying a retail product. But I can't really decide what to get.
I have about 650 gallons of water with 165g in an LPS moderately fish stocked tank, 300g in a moderately stocked FOWLR tank, 125g in a sump with a couple of dinky fishes, and 40g in a refugium.
I'm kinda narrowed down my purchase to three possibilities:
Reeflo Orca 250
BK Super Marine 250
BK Super Marine 300
I know most people will believe the BK should be the answer but I'm a fan of and always considering the Orca 250 because its reaction chamber is almost double the size of the BK and its pushing through 2500 l/hr (
http://www.reeflopumps.com/nwskimmers.html) of air compared to the BK's 2000 l/h.
which one should I get?????? Polling for the most popular........