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Old 10-20-2008, 10:06 PM
workn2hard2day's Avatar
workn2hard2day workn2hard2day is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Black Creek, Van Island
Posts: 100
workn2hard2day is on a distinguished road
Default Not my ad, but you might be interested

120 gallon fully reef system setup. Fully stocked aquarium. Includes all equipment, corals and fish. $750.

Equipment includes: all glass display 120 gal, acrylic sump, white oak stand, dart pump, protein skimmer, calcium reactor and CO2 tank/regulator + persitaltic pump, RODI filtration system, HQI halide and night lighting system ballasts etc, chiller. This is a full reef setup.

Livestock includes 9 fish, many corals and inverts including clowns, gobys, wrasses, elegance corals, frogspawns, wall hammer, many zoa, many polyps, anemones etc, many cleaner crew (snails, crabs, stars), plate corals, brains.

This setup is worth 4x my asking price.

Serious buyers only. Must take all. This is a bargain deal
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