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Old 10-20-2008, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by i2ik View Post
When i first saw it, i was very impressed by it. You are right, the design of the cup is not perfect but the bubbles are great. Hopefully, the pump wont go nuts often and you will be good with the bubbles in the tank.

Would it be as loud as an Remora Pro? How would you compared it to an Remora pro or an Deltec MCE600?

Thanks for the review!
The skimmate is perfectly nasty and I have no complaints in that department wayyy better then my remora. I can only compare it with a remora pro because I don't have any experience with the deltec but for bubble and skimmate production there is no comparison with the remora (I even have the mag 7 pump on the remora and its still pathetic).
For design it gets 2 big thumbs down. The pump is situated in the middle compartment and the cord is threaded under the baffle into the third compartment and out the top. You have to reach your hands into the skimmer and push the plug underneath the baffle to remove the pump for cleaning, you also have to reach in and disconnect the airhose from the pump which is also extremely awkward. Puting it all back together is the same fustration in reverse

300g tank
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