When i first saw it, i was very impressed by it. You are right, the design of the cup is not perfect but the bubbles are great. Hopefully, the pump wont go nuts often and you will be good with the bubbles in the tank.
Would it be as loud as an Remora Pro? How would you compared it to an Remora pro or an Deltec MCE600?
Thanks for the review!
420G Front Starfire Glass Reef Tank, 150G Costum made Sump, Sifligoi 3x400W + ACLS Unit, 2xH&S A200-2x1260, Schuran Jetstream 2 Ca reactor, 4xVortech pump, 3xBattery Back Up, 4xWavy Sea+, Prolifux Wireless Controlleur, Oceans Motions 4 Ways, Seachem Pinnacle 200GPD RO/Di