There's really not that much not to recommend. Ie., I think it's all good!
One suggestion, go out and find this book:
I never regretted anything I tried out of that book. And some of the things are things you'd never be able to find out about unless you say knew a local who could take you places. Like, finding a waterfall you can swim in "just past the mile 8 marker on highway such and such"..
It will also lay out where all the good beaches are and where the good snorkeling spots are and so on.
Maui Ocean Centre is a very well done aquarium. Get a week's pass and go several times. It's small for a public aquarium but it's really well done. Also plan on a dive or snorkel at Honolua Bay. If you stay at Kihei it's a bit of a drive and you might be tempted to think "ah, but there are so many other wicked snorkeling spots closer" and while that's true, I've heard Honolua Bay is one of the best spots on the island. I missed out on a chance to go there, I won't let that happen again if I ever make it back there.
Oh and .. everyone tells you to watch the sunrise at the summit of Hale'akala. It sure is pretty for a sunrise, so it's sort of worth doing at least once (whether you find it's worth doing more than once is up to you.. I know some people who go to Maui every year and watch the sunrise at least once, and I know others who are like "Meh .. I did it once, I don't have to do it again." So your mileage may vary). If you DO go, and you're staying in Kihei .. LEAVE EARLY. The sun rises at something like 6:30 am, I left Kihei around 3:45 am, and *barely* made it up to the summit in time. And I got a lousy spot because of the crowds. As you get closer there is a fair amount of traffic. And dress warmly, it's cold up there in the morning (single digits on the day I was there).
But if you do go, go again during the day because the crater is really neat during the day. You can also rent a bike and ride the highway down the mountain. Sounds like wicked fun to me. Worth looking into IMO.
have fun!
Originally Posted by jasond
Wow looks nice!! Sounds like you would go again? My Fiance and I are looking at going to hawai/Maui for our honeymoon, anything you can recommend???