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Old 10-15-2008, 02:55 AM
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michika michika is offline
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michika is on a distinguished road

I'll just be happy when my basement doesn't smell like dead clam....

Again, thank you everyone for your well wishes, and offers to help.

The tank has water in it again, we've completely changed the return plumbing and how we are going to generate additional flow in the tank in the future. We are going to have to re-cycle the tank, and that is the part I dread. There is still the smell of die-off in our basement, and its not leaving quick enough for me.

I've been researching on adding vodka as a carbon source to help the cycle along. I am still unsure of where I sit on this.

So right now its just a matter of tweaking the flow in the tank, and just letting it be. We've shut off the MHs and are reducing the T5 lighting period significantly. It sucks, but its the way it has to be if I, and we, want to continue in this hobby.
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