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Old 10-10-2008, 06:45 AM
skylord skylord is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Maple Ridge BC
Posts: 346
skylord is on a distinguished road

First...take a deep breath and relax. Your first moves were good. Follow Chins advice (most of the others said the same things). Check your nitrate and phosphate levels. Those levels would help decide how long a period you might want to leave the lights out (if at all....with your first actions you may have got a lot more food out than anyone realizes).

Next...teach your child the finer points of reef keeping, like having to clean the skimmer cup when you over feed....

My 2 1/2 yr old grandson keep throwing toys at the tank and every once in awhile got one in. 3 days of helping me clean skimmer cups and he decided toys in the fish tank wasn't fun anymore.

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