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Old 10-08-2008, 06:00 AM
Dobber Dobber is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
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Dobber is on a distinguished road
Default 225 gallon & 90 gallon and spare tanks

okay so heres the deal... im in a bit of a pickle because i need to buy an underwater video camera system to get a full ride scholarship to uvic... they cost a LOT OF MONEY!!!! so i need to sell some stuff, so here is a list of the stuff from biggest set up to smallest

225 perfecto corner overflow tank 72"x30"x24" (not starfire)
Stand To Fit is black and made of pine
72" Aqualight Pro (250 watt)
72" T12 Retrofit Kit (new bulbs)
2 Model 3 Megaflow Sumps
2 Magdrive 1800 Pumps
1 Octopus Pro Skimmer (comes with magdrive 900)
1 40 watt Lifeguard UV Sterilizer (could be 22 watt i will have to check)
1 Tunze Wavebox
1 Reefmaster Pro Wavemaker
4 Modded Maxi-Jet 1200's
Random In-Sump Protein Skimmer Rated for 120 gallons (works good)

90 gallon 48"x24"x18"
Stand To Fit black particle board with glass door

55 gallon 48"x24"x12"

Nano Cube 24
PC actinic and white lighting
Self Contained Unit (really nice)

8" Vlamingi Tang (Naso Vlamingi)
6" Red Sea Sailfin Tang
5" Regal Angel
5" Yellow Tang
(4) 2" Green Chromis
(4) Percula Clowns (with 1' wide carpet anemone) package deal
Clarkii Clown
8" Longspined Urchin (black)
2 Target Mandarine's

~200 lbs mixed fiji and eco rocks from bulkreefsupply
~80 lbs live aragonite white sand

If i think of anything more i will list it, may be willing to part out if no one wants to buy the big package. PM me for details on prices. Will sell fish individually if buyer picks up.

220 gallon Newly Successful Reef (yay)

2 Model 3 Megaflow Sumps
Octopus Pro Series
Lifeguard UV Sterilizer 22 watt
Coralife Aqualight Pro 250 watt
Tunze Wavebox
4 Upgraded Maxi Jet 1200's
90 lbs live fiji 100 lbs shelf and spaghetti Eco Rocks
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