Thread: 12g Nano
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Old 10-07-2008, 02:55 AM
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I'll say its always in my system even though I don't have a tank setup for awhile. I just hangaround fish store. LOL!
Alan if I decide to sell my dry rock your the first one to know but that a big if coz im having the urge to start up one of my big tank sitting in storage again . But for now I just sit back and relax and fill this nano up.
Here are some picture for the first week. I think tank is goin pretty good I've been seeing lots of life in live rock that I added tiny dusters and Tiny brittlestar. Planning to buy a testkit this comming weekend to know if Im having any cycle or not.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg tank week 1.jpg (37.5 KB, 78 views)
File Type: jpg tankweekone secondshot.jpg (46.4 KB, 67 views)

Last edited by blood_hound; 10-07-2008 at 03:02 AM.
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