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Old 10-04-2008, 03:09 AM
kipsix kipsix is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 37
kipsix is on a distinguished road


New to Canreef but I've had my Golden for about 2 months and the first 9 days were hell when it didn't eat, so I can only imagine 21.... I feel for you.

I vote for Silversides as well. I struggled to get it to eat, then one day cut the head off a silverside stuck it on the feeding stick - BAM gone. That's my vote.

As for behavior, mines in a 29BC with a watchman goby and fire shrimp. Mine does the twitchy thing every now and again - it just make me laugh. I can see mine poking his head out of the rockwork 9 times out of 10 ant any given point during the day. He gets really active at night and does 'laps' of the tank. Only pulled him from the back once. If i throw in food for the shrimp or Goby the Eel goes nuts, he comes out and looks around frantically for the food.

Good luck.
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