Thread: 12g Nano
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Old 10-02-2008, 04:16 AM
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blood_hound blood_hound is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Calgary
Posts: 165
blood_hound is on a distinguished road
Smile 12g Nano

After a year and half of no saltwater tank in the house time to go back. Just got a 12 gallon jbj " thank's to Ron for a good deal" And starting it up today.

12 Gallon JBJ
10lbs or so of mix tonga and fiji "from my atleast 150lbs pile dug it up from storage a year and half dry "
1lb of fiji live rock bought today
and couple pounds of sand.

I hope i to start stocking it in a month or so.Still dont know what to put in it maybe lots of corals and maybe a fish or two.

PIcture coming soon.
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