Thread: Schooling fish
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Old 10-02-2008, 02:18 AM
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Originally Posted by untamed View Post
I would really like to see a photo of what the "school" looks like in your situation. I have a nice predator in my tank as well and I'm very curious to see the effect it has. I can't believe that your grouper has only eaten a few in a month. I'm concerned my Lookdown would polish off an entire school in a couple of days!
Sure. I have to get a new cable for my camera but I will take a few pics as soon as I do. They generally stay in a group of at least 3-4 if they leave the rocks. They kind of dart around and follow each other. Definitely looks like they get kind of scared if the others leave them behind and will quickly catch up.

Honestly though, they do not come out of the rocks all that much. They all share the same cave and spend most of the day hiding from the grouper.

The grouper is fed 3 times a day, fish, prawn, mussels, ect. so I don't think he has much desire to go hunting. He ate three damsels in one day though when I decided to not feed until the night time I guess he was going to eat regardless. He ate one the other day when it darted out of the rocks at feeding time and got stuck alone near one of the top corners of the tank. I did not see it but my fiance was feeding them and did. She said he just swallowed the damsel and kept swimming.

So you think your lookdown would eat them that fast???
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