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Old 04-09-2003, 05:48 AM
Shadetree Shadetree is offline
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Default 245 gallon tank for sale

Hey guys,

Life is dictating that I sell the tank. I need a sale and it moved by the end of the month. I am not getting out of the hobby for good so I am in no hurry to sell all of the equipment. I have a 245 gallon sea star tank measuring 72"Lx24"Wx33"H 5/8" thick, not drilled but with two hang on overflows, the stand and custom made sump for sale. I would like $1800 for all three. I have had zero time in the last month for maintenace and have a huge algae problem but need to sell 200 pounds of rock (100 pounds of live figi and vanuatu and 100 pounds of "dead" figi base rock) and 400 pounds of southdown sand infested with pods, worms and life. Make a REASONABLE offer on the rock and sand. The livestock will go with the buyers or parted out if declined by them (not much at the current time 2 fish and a dozen or so corals). The rest of my equipment is not really for sale unless the price is too good to pass. The only catch is I need this tank moved by Sunday April 27th. The tank empty weighs in over 700 pounds and requires 4-6 very strong people to move.

Lots of pictures here Just remember that the rock is covered in algae right now.

Scott or PM me
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