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Old 09-30-2008, 05:23 PM
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Jason McK Jason McK is offline
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Default Bulk Reef Supply Group Buy for ALL Canreefers

Sorry all, but there was a little too much on my plate last week.

I now have more information from BRS and am prepared to get this going again.

If you want to take part in this Group Buy Please read this post very carefully and follow the instructions laid out in it

This group buy will be in 2 parts.
Part 1) everything on BRS site open for all to order
Part 2) 2 stage fluidized reactor only buy for those who can pick up from me

Bulk Reef Supply has a unique way to do group buys.
How it works is each order is placed and paid for by the individual. It is then shipped to the address provided by the individual. Because shipping is by weight you can not really take advantage of shipping discounts if you are buying in weight. So the only advantage to a group buy is to get a lower cost/pound price.
What BRS has done is to tag each account with a discount price once the group buy has been established.
We would then be able to order between Saturday to Thursday of next week.

Instructions to follow to take advantage of the group Buy
Part 1
-Create and account at BRS
-Post in this thread that you created and account and the name you used for the account
-Wait for my post to say BRS is ready to accept orders for our group buy

Part 2 (duel Stage Reactors only)
-notify me via PM that you want a reactor
-Pay me for the reactor
-I will order and have them shipped to my house (we save on shipping)

Part 2 would only really apply if you where only ordering the reactor if you need something else it wouldn't make much sense.

For more information on how this works check out
My old Tank Shut down Jan 2011
New 220G build about to start

Last edited by Jason McK; 10-02-2008 at 03:56 PM.
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