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Old 09-29-2008, 10:50 PM
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scuglass scuglass is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: calgary
Posts: 330
scuglass is on a distinguished road

I was looking at the packages on J&L and they are all way to crab heavy for me. If we go through OA we can get a group buy order which is cheaper prices as well as no shipping charge.

The group order consists of
200 BL hermits
50 Scarlet hermits
75 Spiny Astrea
50 Red Turbos
50 Trochus
25 Cerith
25 Nassarius

At a cost of 580.99... Due to the fact that I have little to do at work I worked out the price of each based on their individual prices...

BL hermits- .9514149159 each
Scarlet hermits- 2.205217518 each
All snails were the same price @ - 1.246427293 each

So far there has been interest from
Frenchie ~ 100 hermits and 100 snails=
299 on jl+shipping vs. 240 OA
Brighteyes_13, wally-2004, dolphinpoint~ package 2 so im assuming 12 bl 3 scarlet and 15 snails
=48.95 on jl+shipping vs. 36 O
myself~ 10 bl 5 scarlet 15 spiny 20 turbos 20 trochus 10 cerith 10 nassarius.

i have crabs, jasond, EmilyB... have also shown interest but no actual numbers yet....

This brings us to
~130 bl/200
~30 scarlets/50
~220 snails/225

Im sure getting rid of the snails wont be a problem... ill add them to mine if needed... but there are alot of hermts that need to be accounted for...

Just an idea.... didnt mean to take over or push you into this if you still want to go to JL... let me know.
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