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Old 09-28-2008, 06:18 PM
seanoman seanoman is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 215
seanoman is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by asmodeus View Post
hey man the tank looks great I see that you took out your sand bed, it there a reason why you did. Im in that problem that i have a 120 gal going and going to be switching out the 120 to a longer 150 tank. So with that being said I want to use the sand bed but i may get a spike from moving it over so im undecided yet. i may put some in the back and that is it,but still unsure. if i didnt have the sand bed the tank switch would be easier.

but oh well time will tell. love your fire fish. i had 6 of them 4 normals and 2 purple and they all jumped to fishy heaven good luck with yours.

Hey thanks Asmodeus! The reason why we took our sandbed out was that for one, it was so fine that with the 2 tunze 6200's, it would never stay in one spot and it didn't look good with patches everywhere. Also, we were having issues with phosphates and nitrates, so we figured the sand wasn't seeded properly and because of the first reason, we just decided to take it out and go bare bottom for the time being. I personally dont like the look of it with our aquscaping, because there is so much that is open, but my wife really likes the bare bottom look. So who knows what we will do.

Originally Posted by OCDP View Post
Very nice! That butterfly is gorgeous... such nice fish.
Yeah that butterfly has done so well in our tank. The only thing is, is that he wont eat any prepared foods. It took us awhile, but we finally got him eating live manilla clams and a little bit of nori now and then. Luckily they aren't expensive and all the other fish just love it too.
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