Originally Posted by Ian
HCl is non reactive with placstic but it will takeany protectice coating on metalls off. It should not hurt the metal at a 10:1 dilution unless you left it in the acid for many hours or even days. Care when making your dilutions that you add in the correct order( water to acid ) and not vis versa as the wrong order causes a highly vigorous reaction that can pop and spray. For sur use Eye protection and gloves when working with it.
Ian, you mean acid to water, not water to acid.
120 gallon sps/anemones/LPS reef since 2004
Apex controller
8 x 54 watt T5 PowerModule
Herbie's silent overflow system
Jebao DC 12000 return pump
Jecod CP-40 Cross-flow circulation device
Mini Bubble King 180
Barr Aquatics calcium reactor
Bucket fuge