At long last I have some time to update this thread. We have had a super busy past few months! Our tank is doing well now, we had a few algae outbreaks over the summer and it is almost gone now. We went through the hair algae phase and then cyano and we are currently going through another small outbreak or red turf algae and some other unfamiliar type.
We have also gone through some tought loses as far as fish go. A couple of months ago we got in a Sargassum trigger and lost it to some type of bacterial infection after having it only a few weeks. Also, a few weeks ago we lost our scribbled angel we had recently gotten as well due to internal parasites I believe.
On the flip side, the corals are doing great and we seem to be getting fairly good growth on most things as well.
Here are some updated pics of our aquascape and how the tank is looking. I will try to get some growth shots up in the next couple of days also.
Left side of tank
right side
side view