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Old 09-24-2008, 03:07 AM
psuedo psuedo is offline
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Default the dreaded worms

The last tank that I had became so infested with flatworms that I decided to shut it down because it was just too much.

So I started putting together a tank and then added the rock after the regular curing period. Then I started to add my corals one at a time same with the fish. Everything was going great as I was dipping everything I added. Then I added some macro to my tank and I washed that as well. Then I look into my tank tonight and I find 4 flatworms, so I quickly pull them out and destroy them. How the heck did they get in with me being so frickin careful? The only thing I didn't dip was the nassarius snail, some hermits and 2 boxer crabs.

Luckily enough I have a six line wrasse who helped me when I was pulling the worms out of the tank and he ate one. I hope he can get any that are left over.

Stupid worms
Starting to put together a new tank for my new place.
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