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Old 09-22-2008, 07:38 PM
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brizzo brizzo is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Kelowna BC
Posts: 504
brizzo is on a distinguished road

saltcreep is the man!! I went into Corix today and they had double threaded schedule 80 bulkheads instock on the shelf! $23/each, not too bad!

For the record they had grey pvc schedule 80 like on marine depot, and an 'econo' line of bulkheads that are half the price. hex flange, hex nut, black plastic.
28g Nano Cube drilled with 13g sump in stock stand. Vertex IN80 Skimmer, Phosban 150 Reactor, Apex Controller, DIY LED with stock hood, dimmable
Established March 2006
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